Discover Personalized Mental Health Care at Alliance

🌟Getting started is easy!

Our process ensures you get quick answers and help for your mental health needs. First, we explore your symptoms through evidence-based screenings, then we identify your needs to create a plan just for you, and finally, we connect you with the right people for your ongoing care.

🔍 Schedule an Online Screening

(Duration: 15-20 minutes) (Location: Online via Telehealth)

The Screening is the first easy step where you complete a series of questions and then meet with one of our licensed therapists online to review them. This will help us see the broad overview of your mental health. Easy-peasy!

đź“… Scheduling with Ease

Our online system is user-friendly and flexible, letting you schedule this important first step at a time that’s convenient for you.

  1. Choose Your Appointment Type + Medicaid or Private Pay
  2. Choose the Age of the Client
  3. Choose Your Preferred Day & Time
  4. Fill In Your Information & Submit

Please note: If Using Commercial (non-Medicaid) OR Medicare Insurance, Choose Mental Health Screening + Assessment

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 RISE Program: Choose RISE Assessment (In-Person or Online Program) Below

This determines if your child or adolescent meets criteria for our RISE program so they can become a mental health skill-building pro! Please be sure you’ve answered “YES” to all (6) questions about RISE on our website.

âś… Already Know Which Therapist You Want To Work With? Complete this form.

If you choose not go through the personalized intake process, we’ll be in touch with next steps after you submit this form!

đź“ť Do You Need A Bariatric Assessment or Psychological Testing? Complete this form.

Mental Health Screening (Medicaid Insurance)

We are committed to providing personalized, right-fit therapy tailored to your specific needs. This commitment begins with our innovative takeoff program, where our professionals conduct an initial screening using evidence-based tools to gauge your overall mental health. This first step helps us determine if further assessment would be beneficial for you. If so, we conveniently schedule this as... Read More

We are committed to providing personalized, right-fit therapy tailored to your specific needs. This commitment begins with our innovative takeoff program, where our professionals conduct an initial screening using evidence-based tools to gauge your overall mental health. This first step helps us determine if further assessment would be beneficial for you. If so, we conveniently schedule this assessment during the initial screening appointment! Your follow-up appointment includes a brief assessment to understand your needs and the creation of an individualized treatment plan. This plan not only outlines your mental health needs but also includes referrals to the right-fit providers and services that best support your mental health journey!

Mental Health Screening (Self Pay)

We are committed to providing personalized, right-fit therapy tailored to your specific needs. This commitment begins with our innovative takeoff program, where our professionals conduct an initial screening using evidence-based tools to gauge your overall mental health. This first step helps us determine if further assessment would be beneficial for you. If so, we conveniently schedule this as... Read More

We are committed to providing personalized, right-fit therapy tailored to your specific needs. This commitment begins with our innovative takeoff program, where our professionals conduct an initial screening using evidence-based tools to gauge your overall mental health. This first step helps us determine if further assessment would be beneficial for you. If so, we conveniently schedule this assessment during the initial screening appointment! Your follow-up appointment includes a brief assessment to understand your needs and the creation of an individualized treatment plan. This plan not only outlines your mental health needs but also includes referrals to the right-fit providers and services that best support your mental health journey!

Mental Health Screening + Assessment (Commercial (non-Medicaid) OR Medicare Insurance)

At Alliance, we streamline the process by combining the screening and initial assessment into a single appointment. This approach maintains our commitment to personalized care, ensuring every client receives the attention they need right from the start. Commercial insurance and Medicare do not pay for this separately, however, we prioritize your health by using evidence-based tools to evaluate ... Read More

At Alliance, we streamline the process by combining the screening and initial assessment into a single appointment. This approach maintains our commitment to personalized care, ensuring every client receives the attention they need right from the start. Commercial insurance and Medicare do not pay for this separately, however, we prioritize your health by using evidence-based tools to evaluate symptoms effectively. In addition to the screening, we conduct a thorough assessment, develop a tailored treatment plan, and connect you with the right-fit providers and services to meet your specific needs. This integrated approach ensures comprehensive care tailored to each individual's journey towards wellness.

Mental Health Screening + Assessment (Self Pay)

At Alliance, we streamline the process by combining the screening and initial assessment into a single appointment. This approach maintains our commitment to personalized care, ensuring every client receives the attention they need right from the start. We prioritize your health by using evidence-based tools to evaluate symptoms effectively. In addition to the screening, we conduct a thorough a... Read More

At Alliance, we streamline the process by combining the screening and initial assessment into a single appointment. This approach maintains our commitment to personalized care, ensuring every client receives the attention they need right from the start. We prioritize your health by using evidence-based tools to evaluate symptoms effectively. In addition to the screening, we conduct a thorough assessment, develop a tailored treatment plan, and connect you with the right-fit providers and services to meet your specific needs. This integrated approach ensures comprehensive care tailored to each individual's journey towards wellness.

RISE Program Assessment (Medicaid Only)

We're excited to guide you through the first step towards your child's journey with our IN-PERSON RISE Program! Designed for children aged 7-17, our program focuses on nurturing mental health and building essential skills. Before you book, kindly complete our simple 6-question pre-eligibility checklist on our website. This ensures you meet the minimum required eligibility components to be admit... Read More

We're excited to guide you through the first step towards your child's journey with our IN-PERSON RISE Program! Designed for children aged 7-17, our program focuses on nurturing mental health and building essential skills. Before you book, kindly complete our simple 6-question pre-eligibility checklist on our website. This ensures you meet the minimum required eligibility components to be admitted into RISE. We look forward to working with you!

If your child does NOT have a therapist, please schedule an initial screening to start therapy services. If your child need more support after starting therapy, we would be happy to do an assessment after 3-6 months of treatment.

Meet Sam!

Age Groups: 5-18

Service Location(s): Glasgow, Bowling Green, Telehealth

Specialties: Trauma Informed Approaches, Janina Fisher’s Trauma Treatment Telehealth

Purpose Statement

For as long as I can remember, I have had a strong desire to help others. Initially, I went to college with the intention of pursuing a career in law enforcement, believing that solving crimes was how I would make a difference. However, my personal experience in my own therapy sessions changed my perspective and helped me in so many ways. It made me realize that being a therapist is not so different from being a detective. As therapists, we put on our metaphorical magnifying glasses and dive into the human psyche, trying to unravel the mysteries of people’s thoughts and feelings. It’s like solving a captivating puzzle, one session at a time. On top of that, human connection is beautiful! My favorite sessions are those where my client and I are both completely present in the moment. So, I chose to go into the mental health field for the messy, beautiful, heart-to-heart moments—the ones that remind us, that we’re all in this wild ride called life together!

Unique Fact

I don’t know that it’s unique, but I love my dogs! I have two, 13-year-old Claire, a black lab, and 4-year-old Honey, a border collie. I love attending concerts and listening to a wide range of music. My biggest triumph this year is having both my 10 and 13-year-old daughters list me as “cool mom” in their contacts, and I am 97% certain that it isn’t sarcasm.

Behind The Scenes

I love to bring silliness into sessions. Therapy sessions may have tears, but there is also laughter as the relationship between clients and myself develops. In therapy, clients should feel comfortable being themselves and experiencing intense emotions along with lightheartedness. The therapy room is a supportive and uplifting space that belongs to my client.

Client Success Story

A teenager who was experiencing multiple panic attacks per week came to me for help. After getting to know her, I discovered that she was struggling to connect with her body and was often lost in her racing thoughts. To help her, we worked on mindfulness techniques, did yoga, and used somatic techniques. Every week, she would tell me how she felt, and we would adjust our approach accordingly. While some techniques were more effective than others, we continued to build up her toolbox of coping skills and, gradually, her panic attacks became less frequent. Upon her discharge, she was only having one panic attack every 1-2 months. It was very rewarding to see her develop her strengths and become more emotionally stable. Although I provided her with guidance and suggestions, it was her hard work outside of our sessions that led to her transformation.

Inspirational Quote

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity.” -Amelia Earhart

Meet Sam! Age Groups: 5-18 Service Location(s): Glasgow, Bowling Green, Telehealth Special... Read More

Meet Rhonda!

Age Groups: 10+

Service Location(s): Glasgow, Telehealth

Specialties: Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

Purpose Statement

“This is what “living the dream” looks like for me. Doing what you love is a huge part of that. It was a long and winding road to get here. From the Navy, to nursing to real estate and a few other things along the way. Serving people by creating a safe space for them to be real and learn ways to enrich their life through nurturing their mental health. It’s a privilege to share what I’ve learned and guide people towards their best life! We all struggle at some point. We all deserve respect and guidance through that struggle. I’ve seen therapy do some amazing work in the lives of those who allowed it. Let’s see how beautiful this life can be!”

Unique Fact

“I love loud music…cruising in my Jeep is its own type of therapy! I’m a member of a group called Hikerbabes…always up for a hiking adventure”

Client Success Story

“Their successes are my victories, as well. They are sometimes HUGE and most of the time small. The small ones are just as powerful as any. We celebrate standing still at times…because sometimes that is enough.”

Inspirational Quote

“I’ve survived 100 percent of my bad days!”

Meet Rhonda! Age Groups: 10+ Service Location(s): Glasgow, Telehealth Specialties: Eye Mov... Read More

Meet Lee!

Age Groups: 13-30

Service Location(s): Glasgow, Bowling Green, Telehealth

Specialties: Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

Purpose Statement

“I have come to understand that most of us are doing the best we can, and the challenges we face are not because of personal flaws but because our ability to cope is temporarily overwhelmed. I love to help people develop new skills and see them grow in their ability to overcome obstacles.”

Unique Fact

“I love coffee, dad jokes and cheering on the Lady Toppers!”

Client Success Story

“I worked with a child who was in foster care, and they had multiple placements because of out of control behaviors. One day there was an incident, and when I got to the house the child was packing their things, preparing to go to a new placement. When I told the child that they weren’t going anywhere - that we were going to work this out like a family does - it changed everything for this kid. When they realized that they could be at their worst but still be accepted and part of a family, their whole trajectory in life changed.”

Therapist Viewpoint

“Being a therapist is scary. Even after 30 years, I get anxious for each new client. I know that I am asking them to trust me with their greatest fears, and they deserve my best effort. Having a healthy respect for that trust helps me honor every relationship.”

Inspirational Quote

“And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

Meet Lee! Age Groups: 13-30 Service Location(s): Glasgow, Bowling Green, Telehealth Special... Read More

Meet Avery!

Age Groups: 17+

Service Location(s): Glasgow & Telehealth

Specialties: Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Purpose Statement

“I have always felt drawn to connect with people. During my time obtaining my Bachelor’s degree I explored a wide variety of careers that I thought might resonate with who I am as a person. One day after much soul searching I was able to make the life changing decision to work on becoming a therapist. Throughout my journey of learning more about the world of mental health I found myself being able to make personal connections and reflections on the material that I was taking in which only solidified the thought that I was meant to do this type of work. Connecting with my client’s and getting to watch them take control of their mental health offers me the inspiration to continue to improve myself and reinforce how important these types of services are.”

Unique Fact

“I’m an avid book reader. I’m currently building my own little library at home to house all my “trophies”. Reading is my passion outside of work. You will even see me reading on my Kindle during downtime in my office.”

Client Success Story

“I can’t highlight one individual success story. To me clients showing up to the first session is a success in and of itself! My goal is to get clients to a point where they feel empowered and awed that they are at the end of their journey with me. I have had clients who have been in therapy for an extended period of time with multiple different therapists and I’ve been able to help them reach their goals. That is my favorite part of my career.”

Inspirational Quote

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Meet Avery! Age Groups: 17+ Service Location(s): Glasgow & Telehealth Specialties: Acce... Read More

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